Facebook user, Ifedirichuku Grace took to the social media platform to accuse a Lawyer of beating up his female neighbour yesterday night. She claimed that the man, also said to be a priest, broke the lady's head with a stone. Her post below:
"This man in this picture abused this girl in this picture.yesterday night beat her up and broke her head with a stone. The man claims to be an activist and a lawyer. I wonder how he could have the mind to do this to his fellow human being. They both live in the same compound. People said that this man constantly abused the lady in this picture. Yesterday night, the man ordered her to go inside that he wants to lock the entrance door that cause argument between the two. The man beat her up and according to her she poured pepper on the man and the man have to break her head with a stone. They both went to Maruko police station and they were detained. The girl was bailed with 8000naira this morning and was told to come back to the station on monday. Some of this picture was taken by the landlord who confessed that the man is always abusing the girl in a house where she is paying her rent. What can be done to this type of man? "
However, some people immediately called the priest, and he claimed ignorance of the incident. One Francis Onuoha wrote:
"I just called the priest whose picture appeared above, and he shockingly was dumbfounded about this post. Why are people this foolish? This so called Ifedirichukwu Grace, what are your plans against this priest, what wrong did he do to you. He doesn't even live in public yard not to talk of having a neighbour. I am sure he will soon come in here and answer for himself and the administrator of this site, is this how you guys gather your lies and feed our people? This is why nothing goes well with some people. If Nigerians have gone this far. The Grace here even knows the priests antecedents and the congregation he belongs, yet she went along to post something that is so far from the priest. A Catholic priest, a barrister and a gentle intelligent man to the core. He is my brother and a personal friend. God have mercy on Nigeria."
See more photos and comments below...
credit: Linda Ikeji's Blog http://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2018/1/photos-nigerian-lawyer-and-catholic-priest-accused-of-battering-a-woman.html
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