Feb 20, 2018

If you love your child, then you must read this to the end

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As a career mother with an extremely tight schedule, one of the biggest challenges I face is finding enough time in the day in order to balance motherhood and career.


So many times, I am so much into my work that I practically forget there should be time for my loved ones.


Then as a mother, I tend to have unreasonable expectations in trying to bring out the best of my children and dealing with personal development and maturation.


It got to a point where my son's' teacher called for a meeting, as she was worried about his academics.


The stress of raising up my kids to become future successful adults made me contemplate resigning from my high paying job.


I was so distraught on how best to raise them as a mother.


This was taking so much of a toll on me as even my hubby, would frequently complain about the poor academic results, my children where getting.


Most times, I would simply be by myself and be murmuring, under my lips.


As a young mother, I sometimes felt so overwhelmed with the stress of raising up kids.


Sometimes, when my mother in-law comes visiting, I get tempted to pour out all my worries on her, as I lost my own mum at a very young age.


But then again, I would hold back as I did not want her believing I wasn’t a ‘good mother’.


So even though I was very much tempted to tell her of what I was passing through, each time she inquired about the kids, I ended up holding back and just saying, “they are fine ma”, “they are doing well in school ma”.


This wasn’t true of course, but what could I do.


You never really know what in-laws may go back to say, which may make them have a bad perception of who I am.


My friend and colleague noticed the strain on me and when we discussed, I reluctantly told her of all my worries and challenges faced as a parent.


The Turnaround


She was so kind as she told me how she also had these same challenges in the past. She then told me about a book titled ‘'Raising Children Who Succeed'’ written by Grace Sadoh, which a child psychologist advised her to get, and which really helped her.



I must say even though I reluctantly bought the book, it has been one of the best investments in my whole life, as I now bond better with my son and his IQ has so increased, thereby resulting in so much improvement in his academics and his social interactions generally.


In our society today, a lot of parents are at a loss on what, to do to lay the foundation for success for their children.


They are not even aware of the most basic training to give to their children, which would make them grow up to become a success.


This is why today, you find a lot of children who


  • Grow up to become a prostitute
  • Grow up becoming drug addicts
  • Grow up to become cultists
  • Grow up to become armed robbers
  • Grow up to become a fraudster
  • Grow up depending on the parents, even as an adult
  • Drop out of school
  • Grow up to become a thug


I would want to strongly urge all mothers to also buy this book today, as you never know what a small investment can make in your child's future and development.


One of the most powerful and fulfilling thing any parent can wish for is to raise a child who succeeds and this is exactly what this book teaches, with so many case studies and practical examples.


In this book you would learn;


1. What children really need


2. What they don't need (you won't believe this)


3. How to teach social skills


4. Teaching them about money


5. How powerful role models can be and what role models they should have.


6. The one thing every parent must teach their children (This is a secret most parents don't know about)


7. The place of books in a child's life.


If you are really serious about raising a child who would be successful in the future, then you don't have any excuse not to get this book today.


The price is going for a ridiculously cheap amount of N5,000, but this is only till Friday, 23rd February. After that, it goes back to the original price of N10,000. So if you put this off today, it may just have gone up to N10,000 by the time you would have come back for it.


The value contained in this book is worth far more than gold as they would be impacting the life of your child and determine how his future turns out.


They say, ''rich men have big libraries but poor men have big Tvs''.


This is simply because the rich and powerful spend a lot of resources in getting knowledge but the poor spend a lot in worthless items that, they mostly can do without.


WARNING: If you are not the reading type and you don't believe in always seeking for knowledge, then this E-Book is definitely not for you and you don't need to buy it.


Stop for a minute and think about it, what would you normally do with N5,000?


With N5,000 you would probably buy a recharge card that may probably finish in less than a week, or buy some food or do something else with it which may not really have any lasting value.


Now consider, is the wiser decision not in investing in something that will help your child become better and very successful in the future?


Something that would


-Help the child develop entrepreneurial skills


-Help the child reach his full potential


-Help the child grow up to become someone we would be very proud of


-Help the develop good social skills


-In summary, help them become very successful in life


These may not be things we can achieve all on our own but, having a guide which shows the way out is a very big boost!!!!


Any parent who really loves to see her child successful, has no excuse not getting this book today and start implementing the action points.


My Ironclad Guarantee


You see, I am so very sure you will find this book so useful that you would most likely request for more books like this.


I am so sure about the value of this EBook that I am willing to state here that, if even up to one year from now, after you get this EBook , you implement the advices stated and the action points, and at the end you feel it is a waste of your money, please call 08027928786 for a full refund. No questions asked, you would be refunded within 48 hrs.


I would also like you to read below, some responses we have so far gotten from other parents who have bought this book.


“My wife and I love this book so much and find it really useful. Please Motherhood Corner, are there other books by the same author or any other one you would recommend?”

Muri M.



“Wow. This book is a wonder, this guard line's is what I just need for my kids. Pls ma are there other books you can recommend again. Thank you so much. More wisdom to excel in this journey in Jesus name Amen.”

Princess V.



“I got mine on Monday and I have been reading it bit by bit and putting into action, some of the advices given. I have not finished reading it and I have already started seeing my loopholes. God bless you Ma for this Great Book.”

Mrs Chinwe



“Thank you so much Ma and God bless you for putting this book together. I started reading it yesterday and could not drop it. At times, you are oblivious to certain things you do wrongly but this book gives an insight into things you might have taken for granted.”

Adenike O.



“This is one of the best books I have ever decided to buy. It’s more than an investment really. Thanks for this awesome book. Indeed, I can also say any mother who hasn't gotten the book should do so because it is the best decision you would make.”

Peace M



“Teach them about money was one thing that attracted me to this book and boy, it has been an awesome read. Now I not only know what to do to give my children money skills but also what to do exactly to have them develop social skills.”




“Normally I will not make comments but in this case, I just had to especially seeing how some people are thinking it is a scam or going about waiting for only the hard copy. My advise to all mothers is this, get this book right away without further ado. I even directed a friend of mine to get this and she also made a purchase. Thank you so much ma for taking your time to write this book.”




“I so enjoyed reading the book, Raising children who succeed since the day I got it. I find the case studies so practical and so real, that I find myself going over them over and over again.”

Mrs Chioma



“Thank you s much ma, I am really enjoying reading this book, for me, its an eye opener. Really, any mother who wants future success for her children definitely needs this book, as a day-to-day guide in helping you on what needs to be done.”

Mercy C.



We are always very glad whenever we get these types of testimonies from mothers who are putting the steps taught in our book, into use and finding them very useful




If you order today, we would give you an awesome and very important bonus E-Book titled “Proven Techniques To Increase A Child’s IQ” as a compliment, which shows what any parent can start doing today, to make a child have a higher IQ and become far more intelligent than his/her peers.


In this book, you would learn so many concepts such as;


  1. How a child’s brain develops
  2. Simple activities that if carried out on a daily basis, helps to improve your child’s intelligence
  3. What your child needs to see you do all the time
  4. What your child needs to learn in order to solve problems
  5. What you should build into your conversations with your child


And so much more value packed contents you would find more than useful, in this book.



Order right away through any of the methods below.



All you need is an ATM card (Visa, MasterCard and Verve)


Click this link now -----> https://goo.gl/tkTzLt


and you would be taken to a secure page where you can enter your ATM card details and if your details are correct and you have enough money in your bank account, you will be charged the sum of N5,000.



Deposit N5,000 via online transfer or cash. Call 08027928786 for account details


NOTE- After payment, send an email to info@tatalilly.com with your payment receipt or any other proof of payment.




WhatsApp or phone call: 08027928786


Once your payment is confirmed, our very friendly support team would send you the access link either via email, WhatsApp or through any other means you would prefer.


Please note that this EBook is only for parents who are actually serious about raising their children to become successful in future.


Difficult as it is to believe, not all parents would go all out to ensure their children become successful, hence this e-book is not for any such parent.


Order today, then send us an email on info@tatalilly.com with your payment receipt, or call 08027928786.


We would then send you the access link for the E-Book and that for the bonus E-Book.


Do have a blessed day.


credit: Linda Ikeji's Blog http://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2018/2/if-you-love-your-child-then-you-must-read-this-to-the-end.html

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