Feb 19, 2018

See the rude angry note a woman left on ambulance parked in front of her house

Usually, when an ambulance is parked in front of a residence, there's a possibility it's a matter of life and death, but a woman did not care about that and left an angry note for paramedics who parked an ambulance in her resident's parking bay.

Paramedics revealed someone left a note on their ambulance saying, "I couldn’t give a shit if the whole street collapses. Now move your van."



They were responding to a 999 call-out in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, and left the vehicle in a resident’s parking bay yesterday morning. But a woman became angry with this and started verbally abusing them, before leaving the foul-mouthed message.

Paramedic Katie Tudor, tweeted the image with the caption: "So upset to be sent this by one of our crews this morning!"



She later added: "Along with this note left on their ambulance, they received a load of verbal abuse! They weren’t blocking the road, they were in a parking space… just obviously annoying someone that an ambo was outside their property."

The paramedic, who is based in Stoke-on-Trent, then went on to ask: "Is there anything that can be done about this? It’s becoming a regular occurrence."

Nick Adderley, Assistant Chief Constable of Staffordshire Police, responded to her and said: "Criminally Katie it would be a matter for the CPS to consider if they have committed a public order offence, which in the purest sense they may have under section 5 Public Order Act. The threshold may not have been met with that note though."

He added: "Sadly we have to ‘tolerate’ those in society who only ever think about themselves until such time when they need you/us. Then it’s a different story. Just know that 99.9% of the public really value and appreciate what you/we do."

Paramedic operational manager Mike Duggan also shared a picture of the note and said the emergency services were increasingly facing growing level of hostility.

He tweeted: "Very angry to see yet again people getting grief for doing their job. We don’t block the road for something to do."

credit: Linda Ikeji's Blog http://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2018/2/see-the-rude-angry-note-a-woman-left-on-ambulance-parked-in-front-of-her-house-2.html

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